Posted onOctober 3, 2022|Comments Off on New Officers Elected
Congratulations to Emily, who was voted in as the new President of the association at the WACO meetings in Gillette. Congratulations also to Leticia, who will be the new Vice-President. Thanks to Tracy for maintaining her position as Treasurer and Doris for agreeing to serve as the association’s secretary. We appreciate your service!
The WACO Board has finalized the agenda for the WACO Convention, set for September 27th through 29th at the CamPlex in Gillette. Here’s a link to the agenda. The WCTA events are in blue.
Posted onJune 8, 2021|Comments Off on Interim Topics Released
The Management Council has released the interim topics that each standing legislative committee will focus on prior to the 2022 legislative session. Notable topics include:
Revenue Committee Distribution of Existing Revenue Streams – review all revenues and distribution to local governments Review of Tax Exemptions Property Taxes and Taxes on Agricultural Land and Business Personal Property
Transportation Committee Replacement of the RIS system
As the Legislative Committees continue to meet, they are discussing issues and developing bills that are of interest to Treasurers. Some of those issues and bills are listed here, with links and noting which committee is working the bill:
Antique motor vehicle definition (Transportation) — changes definition of antique vehicle. Committee voted to table bill but form a working group to rework antique plate, cost, eligibility and use requirements.
The Wyoming Taxpayers Association hosted a forum entitled, “A Twenty Year Review of Tax Reform 2000,” discussing the effort twenty years ago to reform the tax system and where we are today. The forum can be viewed here: